Make My Heart Sing Monday

Hi friends!  Well I've taken a little hiatus from blogging lately...and by a little I mean 4 months.  Lots of changes going on in my life the last couple months.  But more on that later...Anyway I figure whats a better way to get back into it then a make my heart sing monday??  So heres a few things that are making my heart sing lately...


I LOVE snow.  Upstate eastern New York gets quite a bit of it too. I'm not talking Buffalo status but we have our fair share.  I start praying for snow in about late September and this year we had our first real snow fall on Thanksgiving and it was so pretty. It was the kind of snow that you get when its not too cold out. Perfect snowman making snow.  It sticks to all of the trees and just looks gorgeous. My family spends our Thanksgiving at a hunting camp in the woods and this year all of my younger cousins were able to go sledding because of all of the snow.  It was a perfect day.  Anyway back to the snow.  I just love it.  Its just peaceful and beautiful.  This year I'm the new proud owner of my own set of skis too so I'm sure I'll be posting some skiing adventures

My family

Speaking of the perfect day on Thanksgiving it was mostly just because I have the greatest family.  They have been super supportive and just basically awesome these past couple months and I cant imagine my life without them. 

Whats making your hearts sing this week friends?